Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Potential Of a Person towards an object (POP)

Two topics came to my mind y’day.
One is the potential of a person towards an object (POP), which determines how s/he gains/attracts different physically measurable properties (Wealth, position(?) and fame(?)  etc.) from Nature. Second thing is how evolution happened in terms of sub-atomic bonds and behavior of sub-atomic bodies, which is presently not in our interest.
Coming to the point of interest… the POP…
The assumption behind the thought of POP is that the person who deserves to get something valuable (many dream to get) should get that one, but not others. We see a lot of people these days who are professionals in the areas they liked or they educated. There are people who earn money effortlessly and they are people who earn praises effortlessly. There are people who made lot of scientific discoveries regularly and there are big guys who kept on won wars against their counterparts. There perfectionists in music, drama, martial arts and so on. Many of them may not perfect at others’ areas of perfection. Now the question is what determines this area of perfection or in other words what makes them to deserve what they are getting with as ease, which is for others a difficult task. Can this phenomenon be attributed to a quality or a characteristic feature of a person? Is it the right way to research in this manner?
In simple words, there are a bunch of people who earn money enormously throughout the life. They only get profits. They may get losses or failures but those are minute. They kept on earn as if they born to earn.
At the other end there are the same number of people who born only to spend the money. These are supposedly the successors of the guys who are in above paragraph. These guys may not know how to earn, not at least as effective as their elders did. A few are there only to eat, some are to read books, some are there to get name and fame and many are there to attract their opposite sex. The effects of POP should not be confused with hobby.  Hobby forms based upon what the person wants. POP brings what a person deserves regardless of whether s/he desires it or not. The desire doesn’t do much without building/having the POP. Many people blindly desire few things and make lot of trials for them, offer many prayers to God, do whatever they think right way to get through. But those attempts are pointless and baseless and yield nothing in return if the desired thing doesn’t fit to their situation.  This phenomenon applies for positive aspects negative aspects equally. If someone has to be defamed it will be done eventually.
Now the question is… Is this so called POP is genetically acquired thing or it can be acquired with practice? The answer from me now is… yes it is both. Both ways it is correct.
We can get an idea how to build this potential, if we observe the characteristics of the people who have individual POPs. For example if we observe the people who earn money easily, we can observe a common property among them is ‘quick reaction or smart move’. No hesitation to do something. Ready to change if a situation demands. Looks like selfish or self oriented. Someone, who’s desire is to earn money, needs to build these things first. Not exactly these things but what s/he feels are helpful, by observing the quality of people who successfully earn money, to earn money.
One kind of POP necessitates or initiates another POP in the same person. These kind POPs can be termed as mutually inclusive POPs or simply MIPs.  There are some exclusive POPs too. One POP necessitates another to go off. These POPs can be termed as MEPs (mutually exclusive POPs). The recent story of M.S. Dhoni provides a best case to be studied to know about POPs. Dhoni might have not thought some day he would become this rich. He built up his batting potential, then mind management. He gained a potential of managing his team to success. That’s it. Either he desired it or not, he achieved the success, the win, the world cup. There is another POP, silently came in… the wealth. He might have not anticipated at once. This POP surrounded him automatically. That machine works for many years without much fuel. He received fame too. More than that name! Later POPs. Several POPs in association… only with one initiation… Hit it hard… don’t care… anything less than that… a kind of self belief, self motivation and self promotion.
A strong belief, don’t look sides. Everything is there to serve you. Let everything serve you. Don’t go behind them. They follow you. Create that environment. Search for the things that will work for you. 

Sunday, February 6, 2011

On the concept of God…

In philosophy not many big minds has touched the concept of God. A few are with God and a few differ with God.
We like a person who suggests us and who guides us for our own benefits. We like who cares for us. If someone is there to look at your every problem and give timely solution what would you say about him? Someone who studied you pretty enough to correctly guess every moment of yours on each occasion and he knows how to mould you. And he also looks for higher good.
What you think he does to you?
Every one of us likes to have someone like him for us. Don’t we?
I’m not seeking help for what I can tackle with. I only seek guidance for what I don’t have enough experience/skill to tackle it.
You know how your kid behaves at certain situations. You don’t allow him to do the things which are not ought to do. You want him to grow with values. You don’t want him to grow having bad habits.
While you grow you may know certain good habits those benefit you in a big way. You record them. You live with them. If given a chance you may also let others follow your way. You may try to bring them in your way. If you find that encouraging others in order to lead quality life is best thing you can do in your life. If you know the best way to get others in your way and you have that skill. You obviously deliver the same.
You are having a skill to see future. You know how the things are going to be. You certainly know what you will be after death and how everyone will be. You know what is good for everyone and what extent you can do for them. It is even better if you know how to see and mould others after your death if it seems to be required. If you know all of these things you do what necessarily to be done for the benefit of all.
In this case what should I call you?
I don’t hesitate to call you God. I don’t think a God can do more than this. More than this is not required.
Think you are still evolved. You know everything. What’s best, what life is and what everything is. You look at everything as you know everything. There is nothing which hurts you or which puzzles you. You look as everything goes smoothly. You know it is happening as it is to be. You don’t interrupt anything as you don’t see anything wrong in anything. You experience it you enjoy it and you are immersed in it.
In this case what you are called?
Still God? Higher than that? Or nothing?

Or Paramatma?

I like this manifestation.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Group dynamics…not physics but of life...

In current day ever changing world one cannot stay so long (a couple of years to couple of decades) either at a place or in a group. Group in the sense a bunch of people who has almost same kind of way of life, thoughts and approach towards others. Group may be a bunch of close relatives, neighbors in a village or society or a team at a company. The group dynamics are addressed well if it is said about a group of friends. A group of friends cannot be made (it may be bit harsh, in less tone- it cannot stay so long) if most of the members are not in tune. At a point of time all the members may be in tune but later differences may arise. At first the differences may be overlooked or hidden. But in regular interactions the members would explore deeper and deeper and bring out more about others. Once they start realizing the reality it would become clear what would be their next movement. The movement may either lead to stronger relationship towards other group member/s or it may lead to move away from the group in destructive manner. The differences may be of any kind ranging from behavioral to geographical. For example a job change may demand a person to leave his/her group.

This Figure shows how evolution or migration happens from group to group

The group has other side too. Group can be constructive. The movement happens towards group too. New members may join a well established group. Sometimes it happens to modify thyself to fit in the group. So learning is also an active part of the group life. A group may evolve as a whole and can upgrade (degrade in destructive mode) itself into a new position. Some of its members may not catch up the group’s phase and those are drag behind or they move to a group which is fit for them. Few individuals or a small group may evolve much faster than the mother group and they may join a hygienic group.
A passport to a group doesn’t restrict to join other groups. One person can be a member of several groups. Those groups may be same kind or different kinds. This person may act as a resource transporter from one group to another.

This figure depicts that the Groups can be n numbered, groups within groups are possible and most of them are interlinked.
The study of the group dynamics may take our stress away. It is obvious to move one group to another. The detachment phase may be painful but cannot be avoided. Positive mindsets would lead to bigger and bigger constructive groups. The bond among the group members would be stronger. It is a desire. It is highly sought objective. But in reality it cannot happened in our desired way. Group dynamics is group dynamics. They go as per their nature. Groups form, evolve, exist, finally disintegrate to provide material to newly forming groups.
This phenomenon is not only true for human groups. It is valid for any kind of groups and scenarios.  i.e., Animal groups, behaviors and beliefs etc. It may also true for material objects such as planets, stars, atoms and sub atomic particles etc., but we have to wait until it is proved in this case.