Monday, January 31, 2011

Group dynamics…not physics but of life...

In current day ever changing world one cannot stay so long (a couple of years to couple of decades) either at a place or in a group. Group in the sense a bunch of people who has almost same kind of way of life, thoughts and approach towards others. Group may be a bunch of close relatives, neighbors in a village or society or a team at a company. The group dynamics are addressed well if it is said about a group of friends. A group of friends cannot be made (it may be bit harsh, in less tone- it cannot stay so long) if most of the members are not in tune. At a point of time all the members may be in tune but later differences may arise. At first the differences may be overlooked or hidden. But in regular interactions the members would explore deeper and deeper and bring out more about others. Once they start realizing the reality it would become clear what would be their next movement. The movement may either lead to stronger relationship towards other group member/s or it may lead to move away from the group in destructive manner. The differences may be of any kind ranging from behavioral to geographical. For example a job change may demand a person to leave his/her group.

This Figure shows how evolution or migration happens from group to group

The group has other side too. Group can be constructive. The movement happens towards group too. New members may join a well established group. Sometimes it happens to modify thyself to fit in the group. So learning is also an active part of the group life. A group may evolve as a whole and can upgrade (degrade in destructive mode) itself into a new position. Some of its members may not catch up the group’s phase and those are drag behind or they move to a group which is fit for them. Few individuals or a small group may evolve much faster than the mother group and they may join a hygienic group.
A passport to a group doesn’t restrict to join other groups. One person can be a member of several groups. Those groups may be same kind or different kinds. This person may act as a resource transporter from one group to another.

This figure depicts that the Groups can be n numbered, groups within groups are possible and most of them are interlinked.
The study of the group dynamics may take our stress away. It is obvious to move one group to another. The detachment phase may be painful but cannot be avoided. Positive mindsets would lead to bigger and bigger constructive groups. The bond among the group members would be stronger. It is a desire. It is highly sought objective. But in reality it cannot happened in our desired way. Group dynamics is group dynamics. They go as per their nature. Groups form, evolve, exist, finally disintegrate to provide material to newly forming groups.
This phenomenon is not only true for human groups. It is valid for any kind of groups and scenarios.  i.e., Animal groups, behaviors and beliefs etc. It may also true for material objects such as planets, stars, atoms and sub atomic particles etc., but we have to wait until it is proved in this case.

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