Monday, December 27, 2010

All time stats for my blog

I started my blog on 08 sep 2010. And so far 310 page views are recorded as you see here.

Among my eight posts so far, 'When can I say 'INDIA is leading the World'?' attracted more viewers and subsequently  Corruption - Not a bad thingFuturology and OrderlinessJulian Assange made United States half naked (which looks bit offensive towards US, but in reality what I exactly wanted to say is even a super power cannot go beyond Nature's control), Again...something about prediction and evolution Life... a highly complicated phenomena.... and  Role of prediction in life attracted viewers. It gives me immense pleasure to keep up my writings and share with you. Please post your comments of any kind, so that I can improve the writings and my thinking as well.


Thursday, December 23, 2010

Again... something about prediction and evolution

Knowing everything would be a difficult task. But guessing something as certain thing would be the resultant of particular task or of a chain of tasks is theoretically possible. Defining 100% of the exact world shape exactly at 9am tomorrow would be impossible task. But guessing what would be the result if someone behaves in certain way is possible task.
Assume a world with limited people, say seven members, with their duties decided for valuable life and they achieved 100% predictability for their environment for about 100 years. They also know about their successors and they even know their death dates. If they further know about their afterlife… then…
What exactly is there for them to worry about?
They are professionals in living life. They live life with high precision. Their lives would have defined at each and every second. Then what is the difference between them and machines?
Is it in that way?
It can’t be. Humans may not face that situation at any point in their evolution. Even at that level they may face uncertainties in guessing higher level cause-effect relations. By that time they may have to think off the future of entire humanity or the then the important aspect.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Julian Assange made United States half naked... but

US made itself  fully naked.... What US doing presently is what any normal humiliated person usually does. The subject person behaves as he lost his/her own mind. The politicians and some big minds of US are acting in the same manner. Forget about  whether Julian is a traitor or a freedom fighter, it hardly a matter. But, at present it is matter whether US is doing right or wrong, whether US's is only show off at other Nations or it is doing things mindfully.
It is sad to say but US was exposed to all as playing cheap tricks ranging from conspiring an individual to cheating big Nations. US is experiencing the heat of humiliation that what it did for many (individuals and nations).
When one manipulates others and maintains secrecy having known those things will demand huge price when they were exposed, but with high level of confidence, it doesn't matter how much time passes on. But, if those secrets are exposed suddenly and in worst case the effected might have not expected the consequences.... imagine how every second passes on.... literally miserable....
This is the phase currently US is going through. It is the Nature, which has the final say in every aspect... it doesn't matter whether it is US or a poor dirty person.
US may forbid Julian Assange and Wikileaks now for some time or permanently. Julian is a small and poor fellow. He acted as a minute channel among millions and billions of wide channels.A simple lay man knows, how to stop Ants and he does it doing by blocking the neck of their home. He doesn't assault each ant individually. If he is little bit clever enough he doesn't keep sugar or eatables freely available. If he is clever from other side he destroy the Ants colony. Every one looks for root cause in the way their character defines.
The US also needs to look in this way. Intelligently and wisely. Grasp the key learnings. Assess situation. Act wisely. Don't act differently at different places. Keep one word. If it it requires to play games, play safely and play for higher good. For nasty games don't keep records. Keep in mind some other Julian may come in a future day which is not that far.