Friday, December 27, 2013

Universe through another lens

There are number of theories on origin of Universe, among which, the most acclaimed one across the scientific community is the Big Bang theory. The other theory which is on back foot is the theory of steady state universe. As per the Wikipedia steady state universe theory is now-obselete theory.
I'm here to propose a new hypothesis which is close to steady state but would explain the recent findings where steady state theory has failed. One example is the cosmic microwave background radiation. 
The approach I used here would be surprising for many but simple to all. This idea is built upon the basic realities observed in the real world but not based on the existing theories, at least not many. Mainly two basic realities of the world used to build this hypothesis. One is the observation of celestial bodies' spheroidal structure and the other is the  decreasing density of materials from center to outer edges of each celestial body.
Here I'm not going to take the help of Gravitational or any other concepts extensively which makes my this attempt funny. But I'm not daring to challenge them yet. This strategy is followed to shields this hypothesis from most of the harsh criticism at this early stage and at the same time one drawback is it lessens the spread of this hypothesis across intellectual masses.

Please refer to my new blog....

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